Monday, January 5, 2015

Failed it! Next?

Hey guys, hey guys, remember that time where it was almost the end of December and I was like, "Hey, I'm totally going to start my diet a little BEFORE the new year and lose some weight so my 'starting weight' for the year is lower!" Do you remember that? Do ya do ya??


Guess I ended up making different life choices, because New Year's Day started with another 155 weigh in, and the day after New Year's Day was even a teensy bit higher.  But IT IS ALL OKAY because it's time for me to lose like 30 pounds again and heck, you gotta start somewhere.

Even though it's a new year, I've decided to do an old thing. Last February I spent a month being super committed to the Pinterest-discovered Guns Buns and Abs work out challenge. In that month I lost 6 pounds and multiple inches from all the places where I would like to lose multiple inches, so I have decided to do said challenge again.

It hurts, my friends. It hurts so, so mucho.

I’m on day 2 of the challenge, so 5 pushups, 55 squats, and 30 leg lifts. And I’m still adding in the crunches (starting at 50 a day) because of how flabby my belly looks in the mirror. Dang uncouth, no manners mirrors. Jerks, all of them, I assure you.

Along with this, I’ve had some bonus cardioone Start The Year Off Right run of about 7.4 miles, at a breakneck speed of 4.6 miles an hour which makes it technically… a brisk walk? A leisurely stroll? An annoying nap? Ah, forget you, Haters. Leave Fatty alone, SHE’S TRYING HERE.
This was the before picture.
There is no after picture, because about 1/4 mile from my house, both myself and my phone dropped down dead.

So that’s where I am now. Stomach muscles screaming in pain, with no weight loss yet to speak of.

But on the bright side, I'm so hungry I could eat my own shoe.
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