Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I am my own fat sister

Fun lil' anecdote from today:

I had to run to Savemart for a few things this afternoon, not my normal shopping spot (I'm a WinCo fan through and through) but it's crazy close to our house, so in a pinch, it's where I'll go.  In fact, it's where I went quite a lot in the months after giving birth, back when my overall sanity was limited and time felt immeasurably more valuable than money.

Anyway, as I was loading up the car, I was approached by one of the bag boys, a guy in his early twenties who I chatted with a good deal back in those limited-sanity days.

After friendly hellos, as he begins to help me unload my cart, he looks up and asks, "Sooo... do you have any siblings living in this area, about your age?"  I tell him I have a brother about my age, not too surprised, I've been recognized as his sister by people who have known him before.  But he immediately tells me that, nope, that's not it.  He then, a bit more awkwardly, asks if I've recently lost, "like, a LOOOT of weight?" And I tell him that, yes, I've lost about 45 pounds.  He laughs, and says hello again, because well, now he knows who I am:  I am my own fat sister.

Odd to me that he guessed I was a sibling of my former self, as opposed to simply assuming I'd lost some weight.  Maybe the bangs (did I tell you I have bangs now?) made a difference.  Honestly though, it's really kind of wonderful to hear I'm now looking like the thinner sister to old me.  Maybe in another 20 pounds or so, we'll look more like 2nd cousins. :-)

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